David Arp
David & Lindsey Stallings
Mammon to Manna does not have paid employees or directors. 100% of all donations (minus processing and/or transaction fees) go to care for the kids. Any overhead, website maintenance, costs to transfer funds internationally, and fees for tax professionals are assumed by the directors.
To Avoid Fees and have 100% of your donations sent directly to Asobola mail a check or money order to: Mammon to Manna 624 WCR 66 Fort Collins, CO 80524
Please share our mission with your family, friends and followers on your favorite social media platforms!
In June of 2019, David Arp received a friend request from a lady in Kampala, Uganda. Her name was Nantongo. She was far removed from what he considered “typical” of the people who normally requested to connect, given his age, background, and profession. He looked at some of her posts—kids, church, family, inspirational—and thought “Why not.”
He accepted the friend request.
The following March with the Covid madness in full swing worldwide, David noticed one of her posts asking for help feeding her kids. He inquired via Messenger—she and her husband, Tonny, had 54 orphaned children ages 5 to 16 in their care. They were desperately short on food, to the point of feeding the kids once every two days.
Not anymore!
He and his partner David Stallings, made a committment to be sure the children never went to bed hungry. That committment became the mission statement for this organization.